ASME's Mechanical Engine…ing Toolkit 1997 December
ASME's Mechanical Engineering Toolkit 1997 December.iso
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522 lines
/* Functions for order-entry prompt screens and for saving data. These are */
/* the middle-level functions that call the low-level display and prompt */
/* functions to input screens of order data. They are in one source file */
/* to permit order data in memory to be shared by them, but not by other */
/* functions linked into the order-entry program. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddefs.h>
#include "projutil.h"
#include "ordentry.h"
/* Semiglobal data shared by functions in this source file only. */
/* Data items are fields of an order. */
SEMIGLOBAL char user[L_USER + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char office[L_OFFICE + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char cust_name[L_CUST_NAME + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char company[L_COMPANY + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char phone[L_PHONE + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char ship_name[L_SHIP_NAME + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char ship_cmpy[L_SHIP_CMPY + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char ship_strt[L_SHIP_STRT + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char ship_strt2[L_SHIP_STRT2 + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char ship_city[L_SHIP_CITY + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char ship_state[L_SHIP_STATE + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char ship_zip[L_SHIP_ZIP + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char bill_same[L_BILL_SAME + 1] = "y";
SEMIGLOBAL char bill_name[L_BILL_NAME + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char bill_cmpy[L_BILL_CMPY + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char bill_strt[L_BILL_STRT + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char bill_strt2[L_BILL_STRT2 + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char bill_city[L_BILL_CITY + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char bill_state[L_BILL_STATE + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char bill_zip[L_BILL_ZIP + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char is_resale[L_IS_RESALE + 1] = "n";
SEMIGLOBAL char resale_id[L_RESALE_ID + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char adv_ref[L_ADV_REF + 1] = "";
/* Variables "parts" and "part_descs" are 2-dimensional character arrays. */
SEMIGLOBAL char parts[MAX_ITEMS][L_PARTS + 1] = {""};
SEMIGLOBAL char part_descs[MAX_ITEMS][L_PART_DESC + 1] = {""};
SEMIGLOBAL long quantities[MAX_ITEMS] = {0};
SEMIGLOBAL short ship_weights[MAX_ITEMS] = {0};
SEMIGLOBAL short tot_weight = 0;
SEMIGLOBAL money prices[MAX_ITEMS] = {0};
SEMIGLOBAL money part_total = 0;
SEMIGLOBAL char ship_car[L_SHIP_CAR + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL money ship_amt = 0;
SEMIGLOBAL double inp_ship_amt = 0;
SEMIGLOBAL double tax_pcnt = 0;
SEMIGLOBAL money tax_amt = 0;
SEMIGLOBAL char pay_terms[L_PAY_TERMS + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL char comment[L_COMMENT + 1] = "";
SEMIGLOBAL byte last_part = 0; /* index of last part on order */
/* Shared data not part of an order. */
SEMIGLOBAL char scrn_title[] = "*** ENTER NEW ORDER ***";
/* id_user() identifies the user (salesperson or data-entry clerk). The user */
/* enters office code, name, and password. The password is then verified. */
stepcode id_user()
IMPORT char user[];
IMPORT char office[];
IMPORT char scrn_title[];
/* pw_find() is called to verify user and look up user data. */
flag pw_find(char *, char *, char *);
char password[L_PASSWORD + 1];
stepcode step_rtn;
short ichar;
/* Paint screen: Show headings for data to prompt for. */
beg_scrn("", scrn_title, "", "SALESPERSON");
tput(10, 20, "Office");
tput(12, 20, "Salesperson");
tput(14, 20, "Password");
do /* Loop until data entered or order canceled. */
/* Input name of office seller is working in. */
step_rtn = prompt(office, "L", 3, L_OFFICE, MAND, 10, 32);
if (step_rtn == STEPBACK)
err_warn("Office must be supplied:", "");
while (step_rtn == STEPBACK);
if (step_rtn != STEPCANC) /* Prompt for user. */
do /* Loop until data entered or order canceled. */
user[0] = '\0'; /* DON'T show last user id. */
step_rtn = prompt(user, "L", 2, L_USER, MAND, 12, 32);
if (step_rtn == STEPBACK)
err_warn("I must know who you are:", "");
while (step_rtn == STEPBACK);
if (step_rtn != STEPCANC) /* Input password without echo. */
CUR_MV(14, 32);
for (ichar = 0; ichar < L_PASSWORD &&
(password[ichar] = getch()) >= ' '; ++ichar)
if (password[ichar] >= ' ')
password[ichar] = '\0';
if (!pw_find(office, user, password))
err_warn("Access denied:", user);
step_rtn = STEPCANC;
else /* Display instructions. */
tput(17, 17, "Instructions for Commands Available at Prompts:");
tput(19, 20, "^R = (control-R) Re-prompt for previous.");
tput(20, 20, "^E = Erase data field, make it empty.");
tput(21, 20, "^X = Exit and cancel order.");
tput(23, 17, "Press ^X to exit, or another key to continue: _\b");
if (getch() == C_CANC)
step_rtn = STEPCANC;
return (step_rtn);
/* id_cust() prompts for customer identification information: customer name, */
/* company, phone, shipping/billing addresses, resale number, and */
/* advertising reference. */
stepcode id_cust(step_rtn)
/* If screen is backed into, step_rtn == STEPBACK; */
/* otherwise step_rtn == STEPOK */
stepcode step_rtn;
/* Shared data accessed in this function. */
IMPORT char office[], user[], cust_name[], company[], ship_name[],
ship_cmpy[], ship_strt[], ship_strt2[], ship_city[], ship_state[],
ship_zip[], bill_name[], bill_cmpy[], bill_strt[], bill_strt2[],
bill_city[], bill_state[], bill_zip[], adv_ref[], is_resale[],
resale_id[], scrn_title[];
stepcode get_addr(stepcode, short, char[], char[], char[],
char[], char[], char[], char[]);
void pnt_id_cust(void);
short step;
/* Names of case labels for data-field prompts. */
/* Begin new screen. */
beg_scrn(user, scrn_title, office, "IDENTIFY");
pnt_id_cust(); /* Paint screen. */
tput(4, 30, cust_name);
tput(6, 30, company);
/* Begin at last prompt if screen backed into. */
step = (step_rtn == STEPOK) ? 0 : (short)ENDSTEPS - 1;
/* Note: (short) is a cast operator used to make a type short copy of the */
/* value of the enum constant ENDSTEPS. Not using a cast gives a */
/* warning message. */
/* Loop: Input each field of this screen. */
for (step_rtn = STEPOK; step_rtn != STEPCANC &&
(step < (short)ENDSTEPS) && (step >= 0); )
switch (step) /* Select next field to prompt for. */
case NAME: /* Get customer name. */
step_rtn = prompt(cust_name, "L", 3, L_CUST_NAME, MAND, 4, 30);
case COMPANY: /* Get company name. */
step_rtn = prompt(company, "L", 3, L_COMPANY, OPT, 6, 30);
case PHONE: /* Get customer phone number. */
step_rtn = prompt(phone, "P", 7, L_PHONE, OPT, 7, 30);
case SHIP_ADDR: /* Get address to ship to. */
if (ship_name[0] == '\0') /* No address input yet? */
{ /* Then set default name and company. */
strcpy(ship_name, cust_name);
strcpy(ship_cmpy, company);
/* Prompt for address data. Call get_addr(). */
step_rtn = get_addr(step_rtn, 9, ship_name, ship_cmpy, ship_strt,
ship_strt2, ship_city, ship_state, ship_zip);
case BILL_ADDR: /* Get address to send bill to. */
tput(15, 30, "Bill same address? <y/n> ");
step_rtn = prompt(bill_same, "Q", 1, L_BILL_SAME, MAND, 15, 56);
CUR_MV(15, 30); /* Move cursor to */
CLR_LINE; /* erase question. */
if (step_rtn == STEPOK && strchr("Nn0", bill_same[0]))
step_rtn = get_addr(step_rtn, 15, bill_name, bill_cmpy,
bill_strt, bill_strt2, bill_city, bill_state, bill_zip);
else if (step_rtn == STEPOK)
bill_name[0] == '\0'; /* Bill same address. */
case RESALE: /* Is purchase for resale? */
step_rtn = prompt(is_resale, "Q", 1, L_IS_RESALE, MAND, 21, 25);
if (step_rtn == STEPOK && strchr("Yy1", is_resale[0]))
step_rtn = prompt(resale_id, "L", 3, L_RESALE_ID, OPT, 21, 53);
case ADV_REF: /* How did customer hear about product? */
step_rtn = prompt(adv_ref, "L", 1, L_ADV_REF, OPT, 23, 30);
/* Determine next step based on return from last one. */
if (step_rtn == STEPOK) /* Last was successful? */
++step; /* Yes; go on to next step. */
else if (step_rtn == STEPBACK)
--step; /* No; back up to last step. */
return (step_rtn);
/* ord_itms() prompts repeatedly for part numbers and quantities of each */
/* item ordered by customer. Displays price and shipping weight of each. */
stepcode ord_itms(step_rtn)
stepcode step_rtn;
IMPORT char user[], office[], scrn_title[];
IMPORT char parts[][L_PARTS + 1];
IMPORT char part_descs[][L_PART_DESC + 1];
IMPORT long quantities[];
IMPORT short ship_weights[];
IMPORT money prices[];
IMPORT byte last_part;
IMPORT money part_total;
flag inv_find(char[], char[], money *, short *);
short step;
char dbuf[14]; /* dummy string to pass to ftput() and ntput() */
byte ipart, part_cnt;
byte row; /* line number on screen */
bflag part_found, more_items = YES; /* part_found not initialized */
/* Paint screen. */
beg_scrn(user, scrn_title, office, "ENTER ITEMS");
tput(4, 10, "Customer Name");
tput(4, 30, cust_name);
tput(6, 10, "Company Name");
tput(6, 30, company);
tput(9, 10, "Part Number Description");
tput(9, 59, "Qty Unit-Price");
tput(22, 51, "Order Total");
step = ipart = 0; /* initializer for loop */
for (step_rtn = STEPOK; step_rtn != STEPCANC &&
ipart < MAX_ITEMS && ipart >= 0 && more_items; )
row = ipart + 11; /* row to prompt on */
switch (step)
case PART_NUM: /* Get next part number. */
do /* while part entered and not found */
step_rtn = prompt(parts[ipart], "L", 1, L_PARTS, OPT, row, 10);
/* Got a part number and it checks out? */
part_found = (step_rtn == STEPOK) && inv_find(parts[ipart],
part_descs[ipart], &prices[ipart], &ship_weights[ipart]);
/* Check for end of order. */
if (step_rtn == STEPOK && parts[ipart][0] == '\0')
more_items = NO;
/* If part not found, then tell user. */
else if (!part_found && step_rtn == STEPOK)
err_warn("No such part:", parts[ipart]);
else if (part_found) /* Show description and price of part. */
tput(row, 27, part_descs[ipart]);
tput(row, 64, "$");
ftput(row, 65, (double) prices[ipart] / 100.0, 2,
dbuf, L_PRICES);
/* Default quantity is 1. */
if (!quantities[ipart])
quantities[ipart] = 1;
/* Indent avoids confusion of do...while with while loop. */
} while (step_rtn == STEPOK && !part_found && more_items);
case QUANTITY: /* Get quantity for part ordered. */
step_rtn = nprompt(&quantities[ipart],
"#", 0L, H_QUANTITY, MAND, row, 59);
if (step_rtn == STEPOK) /* Update total on screen. */
/* Has number of parts on this order increased? */
if (ipart > last_part && ipart < MAX_ITEMS && quantities[ipart] > 0)
last_part = ipart; /* Yes, add another part. */
/* Sum the prices times quantities of parts ordered. */
for (part_total = part_cnt = 0; part_cnt <= last_part; ++part_cnt)
part_total += prices[part_cnt] * quantities[part_cnt];
tput(22, 64, "$");
ftput(22, 65, (double) part_total / 100.0, 2, dbuf, L_PRICES);
/* Determine next part to prompt for and next step. */
if (step == (short)PART_NUM) /* Just got a part number. */
step = (short)QUANTITY; /* Next get a quantity. */
if (step_rtn == STEPBACK)
else /* Just got a quantity. */
step = (short)PART_NUM; /* Next get a part number. */
if (step_rtn == STEPOK)
return (step_rtn);
/* ship_pay() prompts for shipping carrier, shipping charges, sales-tax */
/* rate, and payment terms. Input these data after items are entered. */
stepcode ship_pay(step_rtn)
/* If screen is backed into, step_rtn == STEPBACK; */
/* otherwise step_rtn == STEPOK. */
stepcode step_rtn;
IMPORT char office[], user[], cust_name[], company[],
ship_car[], pay_terms[], comment[], scrn_title[];
IMPORT money part_total, tax_amt, ship_amt;
IMPORT double inp_ship_amt, tax_pcnt;
IMPORT char is_resale[]; /* Yes means no sales tax. */
IMPORT byte last_part;
IMPORT short ship_weights[];
IMPORT short tot_weight;
short step;
char dbuf[14];
byte ipart;
/* Verify that something has been ordered; else return STEPBACK. */
if (quantities[0] == 0 || parts[0][0] == '\0')
err_warn("Nothing ordered:", ""); /* Give diagnostic. */
return (STEPBACK); /* Back up to previous screen. */
/* Begin new screen. */
beg_scrn(user, scrn_title, office, "SHIP, TAX, PAY");
pnt_ship_pay(); /* Paint screen. */
tput(4, 30, cust_name);
tput(6, 30, company);
/* Sum ship weights and show total (weights in ounces). */
for (ipart = tot_weight = 0; ipart <= last_part; ++ipart)
tot_weight += ship_weights[ipart];
ntput(9, 30, (long) tot_weight, dbuf, 10); /* Show total weight. */
/* Begin at last prompt if screen backed into. */
step = (step_rtn == STEPOK) ? 0 : (short)ENDSTEPS - 1;
for (step_rtn = STEPOK; step_rtn != STEPCANC &&
(step < (short) ENDSTEPS) && step >= 0; )
switch (step)
case SHIP_CAR: /* Get shipping carrier. */
step_rtn = prompt(ship_car, "L", 1, L_SHIP_CAR, OPT, 11, 30);
case SHIP_AMT: /* Get shipping charges, if */
if (ship_car[0] != '\0') /* a carrier was entered. */
step_rtn = fprompt(&inp_ship_amt, "F", 20,
H_SHIP_AMT, 11, 2, OPT, 11, 65);
ship_amt = (money) (inp_ship_amt * 100.0);
case TAX: /* Get sales-tax percentage. */
/* If sale is for resale, then don't add sales tax. */
if (strchr("Yy1", is_resale[0]))
tax_pcnt = 0.0;
else /* Prompt for local tax rate, if any. */
step_rtn = fprompt(&tax_pcnt, "F", 0,
H_TAX_PCNT, 4, 1, OPT, 14, 30);
if (step_rtn == STEPOK)
tax_amt = (tax_pcnt * part_total) / 100;
tput(14, 64, "$");
ftput(14, 65, (double) tax_amt / 100.0, 2, dbuf, L_TAX_AMT);
ftput(18, 65, (double) part_total / 100.0, 2, dbuf, L_PRICES);
ftput(20, 65, (double) (part_total + tax_amt + ship_amt) / 100.0,
2, dbuf, L_PRICES);
case PAY_TERMS: /* Get payment terms code. */
step_rtn = prompt(pay_terms, "L", 1, L_PAY_TERMS, MAND, 17, 30);
case COMMENT: /* Get order comment (if any). */
step_rtn = prompt(comment, "L", 1, L_COMMENT, OPT, 22, 11);
/* Determine next step based on return from last one. */
if (step_rtn == STEPOK) /* Last was successful? */
++step; /* Yes; go on to next step. */
else if (step_rtn == STEPBACK)
--step; /* No; back up to last step. */
return (step_rtn);
/* wrt_ord() writes an order to standard output after asking if all is OK. */
/* The order number is assigned from a counter. */
/* File data to be output are written to the standard output file (stdout). */
/* This permits data to be redirected at the command line. For example: */
/* ORDENTRY > SS841225.ORD Creates new file; */
/* note date encoded in name. */
/* ORDENTRY >> NEWORDS.DAT Appends data to file. */
/* ORDENTRY | ORDSAVE | ORDPRINT Serves as source for a pipeline. */
/* */
/* This standard file use scheme gives flexibility in the way the program */
/* may be used. Text and control characters are output to the standard */
/* error file (stderr), so they won't appear in the redirected output. */
stepcode wrt_ord()
/* IMPORT all the fields of the order. */
IMPORT char office[], user[], cust_name[], company[], ship_name[],
ship_cmpy[], ship_strt[], ship_strt2[], ship_city[], ship_state[],
ship_zip[], bill_name[], bill_cmpy[], bill_strt[], bill_strt2[],
bill_city[], bill_state[], bill_zip[], adv_ref[], resale_id[];
IMPORT char is_resale[]; /* Yes means no sales tax. */
IMPORT char parts[][L_PARTS + 1];
IMPORT long quantities[];
IMPORT money prices[];
IMPORT byte last_part;
IMPORT short tot_weight;
IMPORT char ship_car[], pay_terms[], comment[];
IMPORT money part_total, tax_amt, ship_amt;
IMPORT long order_num(void);
long order_id; /* order number, from order_num() */
long long_time; /* time of day, from time() */
byte ipart;
char is_ok[2]; /* Are data OK? message buffer */
char log_buf[80]; /* buffer for logentry() string */
stepcode step_rtn;
/* Ask if order is OK. */
tput(23, 2, "Is order OK? <y/n> _ ");
strcpy(is_ok, "y"); /* Default is yes. */
step_rtn = prompt(is_ok, "Q", 1, 1, MAND, 23, 22);
if (step_rtn != STEPOK)
return (step_rtn);
else if (0 != strchr("Nn0", is_ok[0]))
return (STEPBACK);
/* Write order data to standard output. Each line begins with */
/* two uppercase characters or numbers that indicate the */
/* meaning of that data item. */
order_id = order_num();
sprintf(log_buf, "ORD %ld, SL %s, TL %ld", order_id, user, part_total);
logentry(log_buf); /* Record order in log file as an audit */
/* trail for sales and commissions. */
printf("\nBEGIN ORDER %ld\n", order_id);
time(&long_time); /* Get time of day as a long. */
printf("TM %s", ctime(&long_time)); /* Save time of day. */
printf("OF %s\nSL %s\nCN %s\nCO %s\n", office, user, cust_name, company);
printf("SN %s\nSC %s\nST %s\n", ship_name, ship_cmpy, ship_strt);
if (ship_strt2[0] != '\0')
printf("S2 %s\n", ship_strt2);
printf("SY %s\nSS %s\nSZ %s\n", ship_city, ship_state, ship_zip);
if (bill_name[0] != '\0') /* Save billing address if different. */
printf("BN %s\nBC %s\nBT %s\n", bill_name, bill_cmpy, bill_strt);
if (bill_strt2[0] != '\0')
printf("B2 %s\n", bill_strt2);
printf("BY %s\nBS %s\nBZ %s\n", bill_city, bill_state, bill_zip);
if (strchr("Yy1", is_resale[0])) /* Is order for resale? */
printf("RS %s\n", resale_id); /* Yes; save resale_id. */
/* List each part, quantity, and price. */
for (ipart = 0; ipart <= last_part && quantities[ipart]; ++ipart)
printf("PN %s\nQY %ld\nPR %ld\n", parts[ipart],
quantities[ipart], prices[ipart]);
printf("TL %ld\nTX %ld\nSH %s\nSA %ld\nWT %d\n", part_total,
tax_amt, ship_car, ship_amt, tot_weight);
if (adv_ref[0] != '\0')
printf("AD %s\n", adv_ref);
printf("PA %s\n", pay_terms);
if (comment[0] != '\0')
printf("CM %s\n", comment);
printf("END ORDER %ld\n", order_id);
return (STEPOK);